
A student sitting at a laptop making a list about transferring to Connections Academy.

In-person public school isn’t always the best fit for every student. If you need more flexibility in when and where classes are held; want a variety of learning experiences not easily found in brick-and-mortar schools; or need to personalize your level of academic support, 在线学校可能是答案. 

Here are answers to some common questions you might have about online school before making the switch. 

1. Can you transfer to an online school 学期中段 or in the middle of the year?

Students can start online school anytime during the academic year in most cases. 然而,换学校的最佳时机是 在学期休息的时候 because you’ve likely completed milestones in specific subjects or skills and are ready to start on new ones. 

如果需要的话 转到在线学校 学期中段, your new school’s enrollment specialists and guidance counselors will do whatever they can to help 确保过渡顺利

2. 我还能上和现在一样的课吗?

Course selections vary by school, especially when it comes to electives offerings. It's a good idea to talk to the counselor at your new online school about any questions related to courses before you enroll.

All Connections Academy-supported schools offer courses that ensure that students will 满足州毕业要求.

3. 我要补课吗?

在很多情况下, grades from your previous school can transfer to an online school, or you’ll often have the opportunity to prove mastery rather than make up all past lessons. 不同学校的政策不同. Make sure to ask enrollment staff about make-up policies during the 注册的过程.

Students who transfer into a Connections Academy-supported school 学期中段 often will work with teachers and counselors to create a plan when it comes to past-due lessons.

4. If I’m behind in school credits, is it possible to build an online school schedule to catch up?

许多在线学校 信用恢复计划 这可以帮助你弥补你错过的学分. There’s typically a limit on the number of courses you can take each semester, but sometimes course recovery programs can be done over the summer months. 

5. 我每天都得去上课吗?

At accredited online public schools—such as Connections Academy schools—you must 符合州出勤要求 就像在传统环境中一样, which means tracking attendance hours certified by your Learning Coach. 

While you’ll have the freedom to set your daily class schedule for times that work for you, it’s important to complete at least the minimum number of lessons each day to be considered in attendance.

6. If a teacher isn’t a good fit for me, can I switch to another teacher’s class?

If you feel that a teacher isn’t a good fit for you, the first step is to 和他们交谈 或者找个咨询师,告诉他什么地方行不通. Depending on the subject and availability of other teachers, sometimes a switch can be made.  

7. Would I be able to participate in a sports team at my former school after enrolling in a new online school?

Many states allow students to take part in extracurricular activities such as sports teams within their resident district whether they are enrolled in the school or not. However, some schools limit the participation of online school students. Check with your former school or school district to find out more about their policy.

8. 如果我需要特殊的住宿,网上学校可以帮助我吗?

的学生 学习差异或特殊需要 often find the support and help they need at an online school, which includes 神经分化的学生, have a physical disability, or have a mental health condition. 

网上公立学校 为所有学生提供一个安全和包容的环境 学习. Just like traditional brick-and-mortar schools, online schools must follow 美国残疾人法案 (ADA)和 残疾人教育法 (IDEA)保证合理住宿的指导方针, 学习支持, 以及专业服务. 

9. 我如何从公立学校转到网上学校?

There are some important steps you should take before making the decision to transfer to an online public school. 

  • 研究 在线公立学校选择 在你所在的州可以买到. To earn a high school diploma, an online school must meet your state’s curriculum requirements. Learn as much as you can about the options available to you.  
  • 想想网络学校的现实吧. Is there a trusted adult available to serve as your Learning Coach? 你能创造一个高效的学习环境吗? Carefully consider what online learning entails before switching. 
  • 获得父母或法定监护人的支持. Be prepared to explain to them why you want to make the switch and how you think it will benefit you in the long run. 同时也要讨论一下在线学校是如何让他们受益的. Maybe they’ll get to be more involved in your studies or feel good that you are in a safe learning environment. 

You’ll need to meet the online school’s admission requirements to enroll. 要求会有所不同,但一般来说 你和你的父母需要:

  • 出示可接受的年龄证明和州居住证明. 
  • Provide official transcripts from public schools you’ve attended.
  • 填写所有所需表格. 
  • 从你现在的学校退学. 

If you’re interested in learning more about Connections Academy public schools, 来看看我们的答案吧 正规买球十大平台 or 下载我们的免费电子指南.

E-guide for Connections Academy with a green background and a graphic of a laptop with the purple eGuide.



探索参加连接学院的好处, a tuition-free, accredited online public school that’s passionate about helping your child thrive.  


